Funding Sources

The first step in securing funding is to identify the right sponsor and opportunity for a particular project. Funding is available internally and externally. External support for WMU faculty, staff, and student researchers is available from a number of agencies providing grants or contracts. Once a funding source has been identified, the Office of Research and Innovation can help with proposal development and submission. Contact a research program officer early in the process for assistance.

Funding Opportunities

Internal Funding

The Faculty Research and Creative Activities Award (FRACAA) is a competitive award that supports WMU faculty in significant research, rigorous scientific inquiry, original artistic activity and inventive technology. Awards are made for up to $10,000 and require submission of an external funding proposal within 18 months of the end of the project period.
Support for Faculty Scholars Award (SFSA) supports creative activities and research that may not lead to external funding but enhance and sustain the scholarly reputation of WMU and the faculty principal investigators.
The FRTF supports faculty travel to meetings of professional organizations for the purpose of reporting research results, exhibiting or performing creative works, or otherwise disseminating the results of WMU鈥檚 scholarly activity. Apply after travel to receive reimbursement.
PPP&E funds support the final preparation and publication of papers and exhibition of creative works through recognized media. Apply after the research or creative work has been completed.
This program is intended to increase the engagement and support for graduate students in externally funded research and creative scholarship, while promoting the submission of external research funding proposals across WMU and provide support for both in-state and out-of-state students.
The ITEEG is designed to stimulate the creation of interdisciplinary research and creative scholarship groups around any topic that is likely to be supported by future external funding such as federal, state and private funding.
The TDF is Western 九一麻豆制片厂 University funds available to help discoveries make the transition from invention to commercialization.
Western 九一麻豆制片厂 University (WMU) recognizes the contribution of hands-on research and creative scholarship performed by undergraduate students in the education process and the advancement of our discovery mission. The WMU Undergraduate Research and Creative Scholarship Excellence Award will support WMU undergraduate students to pursue projects with faculty or staff members on campus. Students may participate in research during the spring or summer sessions.
A three-year appointment for faculty to to serve as role models of excellence and innovation in their discipline and area of expertise - be it research, teaching or another form of scholarship - and continue the activities for which they were recognized and those proposed in their nomination.

Discovery Acceleration Workshops

Other Funding Information

Sponsors offer some opportunities that do not have specific deadlines or have rolling deadlines though multiple years. See the list.


Limited Submissions

Funding agencies often limit the number of proposals an institution is allowed to submit to a particular program. The Office of Research and Innovation highlights current limited submission opportunities on infoready.   

Limited submission opportunities that ORI is aware of will be posted on  .  When at the site look for the category "ORI: Limited Submission", click on the "Title" to submit a Letter of Intent (this is for internal purposes only and consists of a brief project description along with your contact information). ORI will request white papers if the number of LOI's exceeds the number of proposals a sponsor will allow. Emails will be sent to notify individuals if they should proceed with their proposals or if a white paper is required. White papers will be reviewed by a panel to determine which proposals will move forward to the sponsor.


Funding for WMU student researchers

Student funding