Faculty Research and Creative Activities Award

The purpose of the Faculty Research and Creative Activities Award is to encourage and support faculty in significant research, rigorous scientific inquiry, original artistic activity and inventive technology. The FRACAA is also intended to increase external funding to Western 九一麻豆制片厂 University in support of faculty scholarship. The FRACAA is a competitive award, with review of applications conducted by the FRACAA Research Screening Committee. Awards are made for up to $10,000 and require submission of an external funding proposal within 18 months of the end of the project period.

The Research Policies Council approved the creation of a Mentors Program for FRACAA applicants, particularly junior faculty.  The following individuals volunteered as mentors for the 2024 competition: Lori Brown, Professor of Aviation Sciences; Anthony DeFulio, Professor of Psychology; Mark Hurwitz, Professor of Political Science and Gender and Women's Studies; Kristina Lemmer, Associate Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering; Andre Venter, Professor of Chemistry. The mentors are willing to read over proposals and make suggestions. Please email them directly for assistance.

General questions can be directed to FRACAA chair Mark Hurwitz or ORI contact Joanne Mih

  • Application for 2025-26 will be available on December 1st, 2024 at . Log in using a Bronco NetID and password.
  • Submission deadline is Feb. 8, 2025. For assistance completing the application, contact Joanne Mih.
  • Award announcement by April 2025.
  • Project year June 15, 2025 through June 14, 2026.
  • Progress report deadline midway through the project.
  • Final report deadline within 90 days from the end of the award period.

Submit Progress and Final Reports . Log in with Bronco NetID and password. Select Applications, click on the application year, then select Progress Reports from the right side of the screen. The report page displays tabs for Progress Report, Other Requirements (poster presentation and external funding submission) and Final Report.  Select files and select upload for reports and attachments.


The Faculty Research and Creative Activities Award鈥擣RACAA鈥攊s one of four programs provided by the Faculty Research and Creative Activities Support Fund. The purpose of the fund, as approved by the Faculty Senate, the WMU administration, and the AAUP in Memorandum of Action (MOA) 08鈥03 is to 鈥渆ncourage and support faculty in significant research, rigorous scientific inquiry, original artistic activity, and inventive technology.鈥 Identified in the same MOA, the purpose of the FRACAA program is 鈥渢o increase external funding at WMU鈥 in support of faculty scholarship. Thus FRACAA awardees are required to submit an external funding proposal no later than 18 months from the end of the award period. An external funding proposal is defined as one submitted via the Office of Research and Innovation proposal management center with an approved proposal approval form.

The administration of this program follows policies recommended by the Research Policies Council and approved by the Faculty Senate and the administration of WMU. The ORI administers the fund and the FRACAA program. During October, the ORI shall post the current FRACAA guidelines and application materials on the research website, including the criteria used by the FRACAA Research Screening Committee to evaluate proposals.


  1. Individuals or groups of individuals eligible for awards are restricted to those holding board鈥恆ppointed faculty rank (i.e., members of the bargaining unit) at the time the FRACAA proposals are due.
  2. An applicant whose appointment at WMU terminates prior to or during the program year of award implementation may submit an application, but shall not receive an award until they have an appointment at WMU covering the program year of implementation (June 15 through June 14).
  3. Previous FRACAA awardees and co鈥怭Is are eligible:
    1. If they presented a research poster at Research and Creative Activities Poster Day according to the guidelines set forth herein.
    2. If they submitted a satisfactory final report for his/her most recent FRACAA and/or SFSA as required.
    3. If they submitted an external funding proposal within the designated time frame for their most recent FRACAA.
  4. No FRACAA Research Screening Committee member is eligible to submit a proposal during any round of competition while serving as a member of the committee.
  5. Appeals on eligibility criteria鈥擨f the applicant is found ineligible for funding and believes that the basis for the determination of the ineligibility as described in the notification is incorrect, they may contact the chair of the FRACAA Research Screening Committee to arrange a meeting to discuss the matter. The FRACAA fund coordinator shall attend that meeting. If the applicant is found to be eligible, the proposal will be sent to the FRACAA Committee and reviewed. Appeals should be made promptly so that the committee can review the now鈥恊ligible proposal when it reviews all other proposals. No additional appeals are allowed.

Award conditions

  1. FRACAA grants shall be awarded up to a maximum of $10,000.00.
  2. Research proposals submitted with multiple PIs are encouraged. However, awards will be funded for no more than $10,000 regardless of the number of faculty members involved in the project.
  3. Awardees cannot draw on Faculty Research and Creative Activity Award and SFSA funds simultaneously. Proposals for consecutive awards (i.e., FRACAA then SFSA or SFSA then FRACAA) must disclose the existing award and include a rationale for the connection if one exists.
  4. Awards are announced in April and implemented with the start of the fiscal year on June 15. Awards conclude on June 14 of the following year.
  5. A progress report is due midway through the project period, at the time designated on the FRACAA calendar; a final report is due within 90 days from the end of the award period.
  6. Equipment purchased with award funds reverts to the recipient鈥檚 unit. Grant recipients who have purchased equipment with grant funds should certify on the final report form that the equipment purchased has reverted to the faculty member鈥檚 unit. The department chair acknowledges receipt of the equipment by signing the form.
  7. Awardees are required to submit proposals to funding sources external to the University to support their scholarly activity, processed through the University鈥檚 proposal approval (i.e. Proposal Approval Form) and award management systems, for an amount at least equal to their FRACAA within 18 months of the end of their award period.
  8. All FRACAA awardees shall present their findings in poster form or other medium at the annual Research and Creative Activities Poster Day no later than one year from the end of the project period.
  9. Evaluation of the FRACAA program shall receive priority attention. The FRACAA fund coordinator shall carefully review each final grant report. Materials related to proposals shall be kept in the ORI for a suitable period of time, no longer than three years.

Application requirements and submission procedures

Proposal components and specifications

  1. Proposals shall be written for general faculty comprehension. As described herein, a proposal may not be reviewed by an expert familiar with the content. Technical language should be suitably defined for a general lay鈥恌aculty audience. Do not use overly technical text, undefined acronyms, and discipline鈥恠pecific jargon.
  2. Proposals are submitted under one of three methodological categories, which are aligned with the review categories and criteria: quantitative sciences, qualitative scholarly, and creative arts. The principal investigator designates the proposal category upon submission.
  3. A FRACAA proposal consists of the following sections. Note that in these sections, a printed page means text printed on one side of a piece of paper. Text printed on both sides of a piece of paper is counted as two printed pages.
    • A proposal narrative of a maximum of seven printed 8-1/2-by-11-inch pages, consecutively numbered. This page limit includes figures, tables, photographs and charts; it does not include a reference list, budget worksheet, or the budget justification. Proposals greater than seven printed 8-1/2-by-11-inch pages will not be reviewed.
    • Detailed budget worksheet and justification with a maximum of two printed pages. The FRACAA Budget Worksheet and Justification form must be used.
    • List of references cited in the narrative (no page limit).
    • Other supporting documents only if absolutely necessary to illustrate the project can be completed; maximum of two printed pages.
  4. All sections of the proposal must conform to the following formatting requirements. If the proposal does not meet formatting requirements, it will not be reviewed. Thus, the sum of the budget items cannot exceed $10,000; if the sum exceeds $10,000, the proposal will not be reviewed.
    • One鈥恑nch margins on all sides of each 8-1/2-by-11-inch page.
    • Minimum font size of 12 points.
    • Either single鈥 or double鈥恠paced text.
    • Black text only (color photos and figures are allowed as needed).
    • Each page consecutively numbered.

Budget requirements

  1. The maximum FRACAA award is $10,000. If the proposed total FRACAA budget exceeds this maximum amount, the proposal will not be reviewed.
  2. The two鈥恜age budget worksheet and justification must be uploaded through the online application system using the FRACAA Budget Worksheet and Justification provided online with the application materials. On the FRACAA Budget Worksheet and Justification, each proposed expenditure must be listed in the appropriate budget category (e.g., personnel, supplies, travel, etc.). The Research Screening Committee will review each budget item in relation to the proposed activities. Applicants must explain each of the requested budget items outlined on the Budget Worksheet and Justification in relation to the proposed work. That is, each line item on the Budget Worksheet and Justification must be specifically justified in relation to the proposed project activities. Items not fully justified may be disallowed during the review process. For example, the amount of time, pay rate, and number of hours must be included for all paid personnel and a rationale for their inclusion in the project must be provided.
  3. The FRACAA Research Screening Committee shall have a line-item veto over the budget. The committee may vote to reduce the budget or to require a more comprehensive budget justification from the applicant prior to recommending approval for funding.
  4. Typical budget categories include:
    • Faculty release time鈥攄uring the academic year only鈥攖o cover the cost of a part鈥恡ime instructor, at a rate consistent with University policies.
    • Student research assistance or student help at a pay rate consistent with University policies.
    • Travel for the conduct of project activities.
    • Supplies.
    • Equipment.
  5. The following items are not funded by the FRACAA program and must not be included in the proposed budget.
    • No FRACAA funds may be used for faculty salary. Funds to cover faculty release time for work on the FRACAA project during the academic year can be budgeted for one course at the rate for a part鈥恡ime instructor. Rates for part鈥恡ime instructors must comply with University policies. Faculty members may use funds designated for faculty release time only at the actual cost of the part鈥恡ime replacement and with the approval of the department chair and dean.
    • FRACAA grants to faculty members for the purpose of completing graduate study or professional training are not permitted.
    • The FRACAA program does not fund projects solely for student research and creative activities or student tuition.
    • Travel for the sole purpose of presenting research and creative activity results is not permitted. Travel for presenting research results is funded through the Faculty Research Travel Fund and other sources.

Proposal submission

Submit one complete application package through the online system, which includes uploading the following documents as applicable:

  • Proposal narrative鈥攕even 8-1/2-by-11-inch pages maximum鈥攎ust not contain applicant鈥檚 name.
  • Budget Worksheet and Justification on form provided鈥攖wo pages maximum鈥攎ust not contain applicant鈥檚 name.
  • References cited in the narrative鈥攏o page limit.
  • Supporting documents, only if essential鈥攖wo pages maximum.


If an applicant鈥檚 proposal is found to violate a requirement or restriction (e.g., a section exceeds the page limit, the budget exceeds the maximum funds allowed, etc.) and the applicant believes that the basis for the determination of such violation as described in the notification is incorrect, they may contact the chair of the FRACAA Research Screening Committee to arrange a meeting to discuss the matter. If the proposal is found to have not violated a restriction, the proposal will be provided to the FRACAA Committee and reviewed by the appropriate panel. If it is determined that the proposal violates the restrictions or requirements, it will not be reviewed; no further appeal is allowed.

Proposal review procedures and criteria

Structure of review process

FRACAA program coordinator

The Vice President for Research and Innovation shall designate one professional staff person from the Office of Research and Innovation to serve as FRACAA program coordinator.

The FRACAA program coordinator shall assist in the determination of eligibility and administer all grant activity, including fund announcements, correspondence and record keeping, regarding the FRACAA program. The FRACAA program coordinator shall attend all Research Screening Committee meetings in a staff support capacity.

Chair of the FRACAA Research Screening Committee

The chair of the FRACAA Research Screening Committee will function as coordinator of the committee鈥檚 work and the three panels, not as a proposal reviewer. The chair鈥檚 role is to make sure that the three review panels are working properly, according to timelines and in the provision of feedback to applicants. Additionally, the chair is responsible for other routine administrative duties (e.g., communication with faculty applicants on behalf of the committee; convening the FRACAA Committee for orientation by the vice president for research; and the preparation and presentation of an annual FRACAA committee report to the RPC and to the Vice President for Research and Innovation).

The RPC will appoint the chair of the FRACAA Research Screening Committee for a two鈥恲ear term. Eligible candidates shall have served at least two years as a member of the FRACAA Research Screening Committee, and thus meet the criteria established for committee membership. The RPC will consult with the vice president for research regarding appointment of the chair of the FRACAA Research Screening Committee.

In years in which the term of the FRACAA Research Screening Committee chair expires, the Research Policies Council shall appoint another chair of the FRACAA Committee at its May meeting.

As indicated in the Faculty Senate bylaws, the FRACAA Research Screening Committee chair will serve as an ex-officio member of the Research Policies Council.

FRACAA Research Screening Committee

The FRACAA Research Screening Committee is organized into three groups of review panels.

The FRACAA Research Screening Committee will consist of the committee chair and 13 to 20 tenured and tenure-track, bargaining鈥恥nit faculty who will comprise three groups of review panels: quantitative sciences, qualitative scholarly, and creative arts.

At the beginning of each academic year, the vice president for research will work with the chair of the FRACAA Research Screening Committee and the FRACAA program coordinator to appoint new members of the Research Screening Committee and its designated panels from a pool of faculty compiled by the FRACAA program coordinator. The FRACAA program coordinator will assist the chair of the FRACAA Research Screening Committee and the vice president for research to identify potential members for appointment through solicitations for nominations from the RPC and associate deans.

The pool of committee members will consist of faculty who have, in the previous five calendar years, done both of the following:

  1. Received external funding awards.
  2. Either: (a) Served as external reviewers, readers, evaluators, journal editors, or authored research published in a peer鈥恟eviewed journal; or (b) performed equivalent creative activities(e.g., awarded public commission, accepted in a juried exhibition, judged performance or exhibition, contributed to a public collection).

Appointments to the FRACAA Research Screening Committee will be for up to a three鈥恲ear term of service.

Whenever possible, members of the review panels will vary by college, discipline, gender and ethnicity.

Orientation for the FRACAA Research Screening Committee, as well as for interested faculty at large, shall be provided by the fund coordinator, the chair of the committee, and by the ORI.

Responsibilities of the committee and its members

In the spirit of ethical practice, and in recognition of the University鈥檚 policies regarding conflicts of interest, nepotism involving a family member or domestic partner relationship, and research misconduct, each member of the Research Screening Committee will submit a statement stating that they do or do not have a conflict of interest or family member or domestic partner relationship with an individual submitting a FRACAA proposal during a specific submission round in which they are serving as a reviewer. That is, if a proposal is assigned for review by a member of the screening committee, and that member has a conflict of interest or a familial or domestic partner relationship with the proposal author, the member must disclose the conflict or relationship.

In the case where a conflict is disclosed, the chair of the Research Screening Committee will do one of the following:

  • Assign the subject proposal to a different panel for review.
  • Identify additional panel members to serve as reviewers for the subject proposal.

Failure to disclose a conflict of interest or nepotism鈥恡ype relationship may result inappropriate disciplinary action.

Responsibilities of the Research Screening Committee include:

  • To review proposals in the three research methodology categories.
  • To submit descriptive, written comments and scores for reviewed proposals within the timelines established for review completion.
  • To recommend proposals for funding.
  • To assist the committee chair in preparing a report for the Research Policies Council, including recommendations and changes to improve the FRACAA program. Appropriate information collected and approved by the RPC from this committee will be forwarded to the ORI for future use in determining eligibility of applicants and making improvements to the FRACAA program.


  • The FRACAA fund coordinator shall review proposals to determine that the applicants meet all eligibility criteria.
  • The FRACAA fund coordinator shall provide the members of each FRACAA committee panel with copies of the proposals assigned to their panel.
  • Each member of the Research Screening Committee will read various proposals in the quantitative, qualitative scholarly, or creative arts categories. In the event that the number of proposals in an area requires an additional number of readers, additional readers will be identified from lists solicited from appropriate associate deans.
  • Based upon scores and the recommendation for funding from the Research Screening Committee, the meritorious proposals will be rank ordered and funded until funds are no longer available or until all those recommended for funding are funded. Along with the letter of award or declination, each applicant will receive copies of the summary evaluation form.

Evaluation criteria

FRACAA grants are awarded solely on the basis of eligibility and proposal merit.

Once an applicant is deemed eligible, at least three members of the FRACAA Research Screening Committee will review the entire proposal for merit in four major categories: merit, context, approach, and budget. The following criteria concepts will be addressed by each reviewer who reads a specific proposal:

Merit of the proposed activity
  1. Proposal advances new hypotheses, research questions, art forms or modes of exhibition.
  2. There is a clear rationale.
  3. Proposed activity is well conceived and organized.
  4. Based on its merit, the proposal has the potential to secure external funding.
Context of the project
  1. Proposal is clearly written for an audience of peers and professionals, yet non-specialist.
  2. Proposal makes a strong case that activity will make a meaningful contribution within its own field.
  3. Activity will address a broad scholarly issue.
  4. Adequately describes steps to be taken in order to secure external funding.
Project procedure and planning
  1. Methods are clearly stated & appropriate for proposal.
  2. Timeline is clear.
  3. Data analysis/evaluation is planned & appropriate.
  4. Proposal details access to appropriate resources, equipment, facilities needed to complete activity.
  5. The costs for the proposed budget are clearly itemized and justified (using university guidelines when available).

Scoring of Proposals

An online evaluation form will be used for submission of application reviews by the FRACAA Research Screening Committee. Items on the evaluation form will align with the evaluation criteria outlined for each proposal category. The evaluation form will also provide space for reviewer comments regarding each proposal鈥檚 strengths and weaknesses.

The FRACAA Screening Committee will review the entire proposal for merit. The rating scale used for each criterion will consist of:

  • 1 = Unsatisfactory/Inadequate
  • 2 = Weak/Lacking
  • 3 = Satisfactory/Adequate
  • 4 = Substantial/Strong
  • 5 = Outstanding

The rating factor assigned by the reviewer times the weight factor designated for each set of criteria will determine the overall score.


The confidentiality of applicants and reviewers shall be protected. Individual applications are assigned a proposal number upon submission. Names of applicants shall not be included on the application copies submitted by the applicant and subsequently provided to reviewers.

Appeals on Review of Proposal's Merit

Applicants may not appeal a decision based on the evaluation of the proposal鈥檚 merit. All applicants will receive a summary review of their unfunded proposal and are encouraged to use this information to revise and resubmit the proposal the following year or use the evaluation feedback to seek other sources of funding.

Past FRACAA Awardees


Pnina Ari-Gur

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering


Heusler alloys for spintronics applications


Amy Bocko, co-PI

University Libraries

Empowering Indigenous Futures: Elevating Student Strengths, Resilience, Community-Building, and Creativity through Multimodal Digital Storytelling


Alex Davies



Decarboxylative Cross-Coupling using Organic Photoredox Catalysis



Kwangmin Lee

Special Education and Literacy Studies


Leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) to promote legitimate source use for international test-takers


Simin Masihi

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Exercise-Induced Arrhythmia Detection Using Wearable Dry Electrodes and Machine Learning Techniques


Shannon McMorrow

School of Interdisciplinary Health Programs


Extension of Fulbright Research into a Longitudinal Photovoice Study of Integration and Health Experiences of Urban Refugee Women from the Democratic Republic of Congo in Kampala, Uganda


Hyejoon Park

Social Work


Assessing Protective Mechanisms and Risk Factors Related to URM Undergraduates鈥 Success and Psychological Well-Being

Portrait of Dee Sherwood

Dee Sherwood, co-PI

Social Work

Empowering Indigenous Futures: Elevating Student Strengths, Resilience, Community-Building, and Creativity through Multimodal Digital Storytelling


Eric Souther

Gwen Frostic School of Art


Historical Signal Flow with Contemporary Means: The Importance of Artist Built Software



 W. Thompson

Biological Sciences


A cell-by-cell investigation of vertebrate dormancy


David Zakharov

Geological and Environmental Sciences


Establishing a stable isotope facility at Western 九一麻豆制片厂 University: A pathway to increasing campus鈥檚 research capabilities and enhancing geological research of the 九一麻豆制片厂 Basin




Ikhlas Abded-Qader

Electrical and Computer Engineering 


A Multi-Feature Fusion Model for Early

Prediction of Alzheimer's Disease


Elissa Allen

Bronson School of Nursing


Disparities in Lower Urinary Tract Symptom

Development in Black Women

Dr. Lisa Baker

Lisa Baker



Preclinical Evaluation of Probiotic Supplements

in Animal Models of Substance USe


Wendy Beane

Biological Sciences


Quantum Biology: Magnetic Field Effects

on Stem Cells


Karen Bondachuk

Frostic School of Art


In Search of Lost of Time: Bestiaries, Aesop,

and Animal Consciousness



School of Music


her echos prismatic: A Multimedia Installation-Opera


Matthew Dumican

Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences


The Effect of Genotype on Voice and Swallowing in 

Parkinson's Disease


Hope Gerlach-Houck

Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences


Identifying Structural Barriers to Accessing Quality 

School-Based Speech Therapy for Children


Benjamin Koestler

Biological Sciences


How Bacterial Communication Contributes to Disease


Sandun Kuruppu

Electrical and Computer Engineering


Traction Force Regulation and Optimization

in Electric Powertrain



Special Education and Literary Studies


Families' and Teachers' Communicative Preferences and Expectations 


Katherine Tierney



Inequalities in Infertility Treatment Among Young Cancer Survivors in the United Stat




Patricia Villalobos

Frostic School of Art






Frostic School of Art


Speculative Forms