Completed Projects
The following research projects have been completed
- 14-1 Explorations into the Equity Dimensions of U.S. Bicycle Sharing System
- 14-2 Developing Performances Measures to Capture the Effects of Transportation Facilities on Multiple Public Health Outcomes
- 14-3 Transportation System and Its Association with Human Health - A Review and Modeling Approach
- 14-4 Conditions that Influence Drivers' Yielding Behavior at Uncontrolled Crossings and Intersections with Traffic Signal Controls
- 14-5 Development of Decision Support Tools to Assess Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety: Development of Safety Performance Functions
- 14-6 Development of Decision Support Tools to Assess Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety: Field Evaluation of Driver Behavior and Traffic Operations
- 14-7 Development of Decision Support Tools to Assess Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety: Focus on Population, Demographic and Socio-economic Spectra
- 14-8 Big Data Analytics to Aid Developing Livable Communities
- 14-9 Alternatives for Providing a Safe Passage for Non-Motorized Traffic Across an Existing Highway Bridge
- 14-10 Innovative Park-and-Ride Management for Livable Communities
- 14-11 Travel in Adverse Winter Weather Conditions by Blind Pedestrians
- 14-12 Capacity Analysis of Pedestrian Facilities Involving Individuals with Disabilities
- 15-1 Effect of Cycling Skills on Bicycle Safety and Comfort Associated with Bicycle Infrastructure and Environment
- 15-2 Development and Assessment of Performance Measures for Evaluating and Improving Regional Transit Coordination Using GTFS Data
- 15-3 Real Time Bicycle Simulation Study of Bicyclists' Behaviors and their Implication on Safety
- 15-4 Travel Behavior of Blind Individuals Before and After Receiving Orientation and Mobility Training
- 15-5 Infrastructure and Technology for Sustainable Livable Communities
- 15-6 Integrated Crowdsourcing Platform to Investigate Non-Motorized Behavior and Risk Factors on Walking, Running, and Cycling Routes
- 15-7 App-Based Crowdsourcing of Bicycle and Pedestrian Conflict Data
- 15-8 Community-Aware Charging Station Network Design for Electrified Vehicles in Urban Areas: Reducing Congestion, Emissions, Improving Accessibility, and Promoting Walking, Bicycling, and use of Public Transportation
- 15-9 Impact of Access Management Practices to Pedestrian and Bicycle Operations and Safety
- 15-10 Development of Multi-Class, Multi-Criteria Bicycle Traffic Assignment Models and Solution Algorithms
- 15-11 Development of a New Combined Modal Split and Traffic Assignment Model for Evaluating Transit Oriented Development Strategies
- 15-12 Analysis of Walking Facility Performance Guidelines for Individuals with Disabilities
- 15-13 Exploring Bicycle Route Choice Behavior with Space Syntax Analysis
- 16-01 - Paths to ADA-Compliance: The Performance and Cost Efficiency of Measurement Technologies that Support ADA-Mandated, Self-Evaluations of Pedestrian Rights of Way
- 16-02 - Enhancing Non-motorized Mobility within Construction Zones
- 16-03 - The Effects of High Visibility Enforcement on Driver compliance to the Drivers yielding to Pedestrians in Crosswalks; Changing the Driving culture on a Citywide Basis
- 16-04 - Effectiveness of Bicycle Signals for Improving Safety and Multimodal Mobility at Urban Intersections
- 16-05 - Travel Behavior of Blind Individuals before and after receiving Orientation and Mobility Training (Phase 2: Full-scale Study)
- 16-06 - Vehicle-to-Device (V2D) Communications: Readiness of the Technology and Potential Applications for People with Disabilities
- 16-07 - Blame-the-Victim Policy Narratives and Local-Level Transportation Policy Decisions
- 16-08 - Does Location Matter? Performance Analysis of the Affordable Housing Programs in Dallas Fort Worth Metropolis
- 16-09 - Transportation Mobility Among Low-Income, Transportation Disadvantaged Older Adults Living in a Low Density Urban Environment using Innovative Data Collection Methods
- 16-10 - A Constraint-Based Bicycle Origin-Destination Estimation Procedure
- 16-11 - Microsimulation of the Impact of Access Management Practices to Pedestrian Operations
- 17-01 - An Intersection Database Enhances Blind Pedestrians' Access to Complex Signalized Intersections: Stage 2 Analysis & Database Development
- 17-02 - Development of Full Bicycle Dynamic Model and Riding Environment for Evaluating Roadway Features for Safe Cycling
- 17-03 - Integrating Crowdsourced Data with Traditionally Collected Data to Enhance Estimation of Bicycle Exposure Measure
- 17-04 - Monitoring Daily Activities and Linking Physical Activity Levels Attributed to Transportation Mobility Choices and Built Environment
- 17-05 - Effects of Safe Bicycle Passing Laws on Drivers' Behavior and Bicyclists' Safety
- 17-06 - Public vs Private Transportation Network Accessibility and Maternal-Infant Health Outcomes Across the Urban-Rural Boundary in Kalamazoo County, 九一麻豆制片厂
- 17-07 - Phase II: Charging Station Network Design for Electrified Vehicles in Urban Communities: Reducing Congestion, Emissions, Improving Accessibility, and Promoting Walking, Bicycling, and use of Public Transportation
- 17-08 - Transportation Access and Individuals with Disabilities' Community Integration
- 17-09 - Assessing the Impact of Air Pollution on Public Health Along Transit Routes
- 17-10 - Simulating the Impact of Traffic Calming Strategies
- 17-11 - Evaluation of Transit Priority Treatments in Tennessee
- 18-01 - Sustainable and Smart-growth City Ranking: Multifaceted Transportation Performance Measures in Smart Cities
- 18-02 - Investigating and Prioritizing Factors for Quantifying Bikeability