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Cartographic Products

Authoritative topos

Authoritative maps refer to high definition maps produced based on the legacy 1:24,000 (7鈥 series) USGS topographic quadrangles. Through a combination of hyper-accurate imaging, nuanced post-processing and color matching, exacting georeferencing, and assured curation, these are the highest quality legacy topo quads on the market.

Although at nominal 1:24,000 (1 in. = 2,000 ft.) scale, these maps can be used with digital ortho-images (such as NAIP) and retain their geometric accuracy to at least 1:6,000 (1 in. = 500 ft.) scale. Our authoritative topographic maps tile together seamlessly, are produced in several map projections, and can be used easily with Google Earth (or other earth viewers), or integrated into Geographic Information Systems.

Purchase authoritative topos on:
Your mobile device at .
Order the printed maps at .
In geodatabase format by county at .

White paper: Authoritative Topographical Maps for the World


Seamless, transparent composite of 64 Authoritative Topo quads 鈥 Arizona.