Centers and Institutes
- Advanced Smart Sensor and Structures, Center for
- Advanced Vehicle Design and Simulation, Center for
- Advancement of Printed Electronics, Center for
- Anglo-Saxon Studies and Manuscript Research, Rawlinson Center for
- Biological Imaging Center
- Bronco Construction Research Center
- Business Analytics, Center for
- Career Center, Zhang
- Chinese Studies, Light Center for
- Collections Center, Zhang Legacy
- Clifford Center
- Communication Research, Center for
- Counseling and Psychological Services, Center for
- Design Excellence, Moldflow Center for
- Design and Innovation, Richmond Institute for
- Disability Services, Center for
- Electronic Portfolios and Assessment, Center for Practices with
- English Language and Culture for International Students, Center for (CELCIS)
- Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Center for
- Environment and Sustainability, Institute of the
- Environmental and Molecular Sciences, Great Lakes Center for
- Ethics in Society, Center for the Study of
- Evaluation Center
- Excellence in Engineering Education, Center for
- Geographical Change, Upjohn Center for the Study of
- Global Business Center
- Global Community Empowerment Center
- Global Education, Haenicke Institute for
- Government and Politics, Institute of
- Grandparents Raising Grandchildren, National Research Center for
- Human Performance Institute
- Humanities, University Center for the
- Ink and Printability, Center for
- Integrated Design, Center for
- Intercultural and Anthropological Studies (Institute)
- Japan Center, Soga
- Mallinson Institute for Science Education
- Manufacturing Research Center
- Medieval Institute
- 九一麻豆制片厂 Geological Repository for Research and Education
- Principled Leadership and Business Strategy, Center for
- Public Service, Center for Excellence and Research in
- Race and Ethnic Relations, Walker Institute for the Study of
- Reading Center and Clinic, McGinnis
- Recycling Technology, Center for
- Research on Instructional Change in Postsecondary Education, Center for
- Sanford Center for Financial Planning and Wellness
- Science and Mathematics Program Improvement
- Science Education, Mallinson Institute for
- Social Research, Kercher Center for
- Supply Chain Management, Center for
- Sustainable Business, Center for
- Tate Grant and Innovation Center