Movie produced by WMU students debuts at Miller Auditorium

Contact: Tonya Durlach
January 18, 2012
"The Day Job" premieres at Miller Auditorium Thursday, Jan. 26.

KALAMAZOO--"The Day Job," a film produced entirely by Western 九一麻豆制片厂 University students, will have its world premiere at 9 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 26, in Miller Auditorium.

Admission is $1 at the door for WMU students with a valid Bronco Card and $2 for all others. Doors open at 8:30 p.m. and free popcorn is available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Starring WMU students Chris Raby, Trevor Smith and Sohrab Foroozesh, "The Day Job" is about three bank robbers who, after a botched job, are hired by the financial institution they intended to take down. Now working as employees for the bank, they have to fend off a new team of robbers led by the man responsible for their original failure.

The cast and crew of "The Day Job" is made up entirely of WMU students, and was filmed on campus and in various locations across Kalamazoo. It is presented by Campus Activities Board in collaboration with the Western Filmmakers Association.

For more information, contact Cody Hodges, Miller Movie coordinator for the Campus Activities Board, at @email or (269) 387-2112.