Organization Chart

Western 九一麻豆制片厂 University Strategic Resource Management Project Organization Chart

The organization chart for the Strategic Resource Management initiative consists of four hierarchical categories that exist in a lateral relationship with the larger University community. Each categorical level has a relationship with its neighboring level(s) and, in most cases, to the University community.

The WMU Board of Trustees sits atop the organization chart. The Board of Trustees has final authority over approving the budget model. The Board advises the Strategic Direction and Steering Committee.

The Strategic Direction and Steering Committee sits directly below the Board of Trustees on the organization chart. The Strategic Direction and Steering Committee provides strategic direction, funding and incentives. This committee offers feedback on and approval of the work done by the Core Team.

The Core Team sits directly below the Strategic Direction and Steering Committee on the organization chart. The Core Team manages the project and will develop the approved budget model. It also staffs, facilitates and coordinates the project's five budget model work groups, and serves as the conduit for communication between the Strategic Direction and Steering Committee and the work groups.


The five budget model work groups were as follows:

  • The Revenue Allocation group specified rules for allocating revenue to responsibility centers.
  • The Cost Allocation group specified rules for allocating direct and indirect costs to responsibility centers.
  • The Communications group developed and maintained stakeholder communication and engagement methodologies.
  • The Infrastructure Support for Implementation group determined reporting and infrastructure needs, such as information systems and technology.
  • The Training, Process Documentation and Policy group developed training framework(s), documents and standardizes business processes, and incorporated relevant policies into training and business processes.


Some members of the University community participated directly as members of the various budget model work groups. The entire University community was be invited to participate through events like town hall meetings and through an online public forum.

Upon completing the required work, the five budget model work groups recommended rules, policies and processes to the Core Team.

Upon receiving the work groups' recommendations, the Core Team forwarded them to and consult with the Strategic Direction and Steering Committee.

After consultation with the Core Team, the Strategic Direction and Steering Committee made its recommendations to the WMU Board of Trustees.

Both the Core Team and Strategic Direction and Steering Committee were also tasked with informing the University community of the project progress during the recommendation phase and of the implementation plan for the new budget model once approved by the WMU Board of Trustees.